
Eyes for Lies in not an educated professional in the science of deception detection. She neither possesses a degree nor has been trained in the science of deception detection. She is a natural talent merely attempting to understand what she does innately.

Eyes for Lies website and blog are not a guide to learn to detect deception. Her intent in writing this website and blog is (a) to foster understanding about how someone with an innate talent comes to her conclusions and (b) to help people see what she sees.

Eyes for Lies, like all wizards, cannot claim to be infallible nor to know a person’s veracity beyond a reasonable doubt. While Eyes for Lies is a deception detection wizard, her statements are based upon evidence. Merely because she does not trust nor believe someone doesn’t mean that person is (a) lying or (b) a liar.

Eyes for Lies takes no responsibility for comments made on this website by visiting readers.

I hereby acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to read the Eyes for Lies website or blog, and that it is adequate consideration for the following waiver:

I understand that statements and conclusions made by Eyes for Lies may (a) be incorrect and, (b) if I, the reader, hereby make untrue statements damaging to other people, I may be held liable in a court of law. By reading the Eyes for Lies website or blog, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Eyes for Lies, its authors, and any person associated with it from all claims arising out of reading this blog or statements made therein.