More on Mary Winkler

I found some footage of Mary Winkler today on Dateline NBC’s website. They have video and audio files that are worth listening to if you have interest in case.

I found the following video files interesting:

Video: Describes ‘ugly’ part of relationship
Video: Says she was afraid of husband after shooting
And I found the audio recording of her talking to the police right after she was apprehended almost bone chilling.

Audio: “My ugly came out”
Audio: “Winkler says kids her only concern”

Read moreIn the “My ugly came out” audio Mary talks about how she became confident after she got a job at the post office a couple of years ago, and how she got high self-esteem. She talks about how she had been battling this for years. It’s about half-way through the audio. Mary says, “…And it just came back out for some reason, and that’s the problem. I have nerve now and I have self-esteem now. And so my ugly came out.”

How does self-esteem and nerve fit into a victim of abuse scenario? Isn’t that when the woman normally gets enough nerve to walk away?

I thought about writing up a review, but this case is old news so unless I get an overwhelming response from my readers, this will be my last comment on the Winkler case.

NEWS: I had linked to a video of Mary during the testimony that showed Mary make an eerie smile when asked if she “intentionally” shot her husband (here). The link expired, but now I have found the video footage on another site: Court TV.