Charles Erickson on Ryan Ferguson and The Crime

48 Hours ran the latest updates to the Ryan Ferguson story last weekend. The show was titled “The Accuser”.  I have been following this story since 2006.

For those of you who haven’t followed the story, you can read about the story here, and you can read my original thoughts on this case from February 2006 here. I titled the post “Confess to a murder you didn’t commit?”

I never believed Charles Erickson (who then went by the name “Chuck” back then)–not one time nor did I believe that Ryan killed Kent Heitholt.  Now for the first time, Charles speaks out about the case to 48 Hours.   He says he lied and wants to correct a wrong.

I have absolutely and 100% have stood by the fact that I believe Ryan Ferguson is innocent and honest, and had no part in the killing of Kent Heitholt. I have also said from day one that Charles Erickson was lying.

When I watch Charles Erickson speak to Erin Moriarty on 48 Hours, I do believe he is FINALLY BEING HONEST.  He is telling the truth!  He didn’t remember anything, and under pressure, he lied to save his own hide –obviously realizing he was in way too deep.

Charles said, “The reason I felt I needed to lie and make things up is because I couldn’t remember anything.”  This is the truth and it is sad to see the judge doesn’t believe it.

If there is one case in our justice system that I find horrifying, it is this case.  Ryan Ferguson should not be locked up and needs to be freed IMMEDIATELY.

Please support the Ryan Ferguson family any way you can.

I believe Ryan has the best and most capable attorney, Kathleen Zellner, helping his cause, but all her amazing work has yet to free Ryan — mind you however, I believe she will work tireless until he is freed, and he will be freed.  He has to be, if we want to have a fair system!!

Please show your support for Ryan on your Facebook page, website and with your friends.  Justice needs to be served and served now!!