Chicken Nugget Deception?

Chicken Nuggets
Copyright by KBOX

Do you like chicken nuggets?  The kind you get at fast food restaurants?  Well, you might be surprised to read what scientists found they were made of when they studied nuggets from two national fast food chains.

If you were hoping for lean chicken meat or well meat, such as a thigh or leg or breast, you might be disappointed by reading this.  And if you love chicken nuggets, I don’t want to ruin it for you — so think twice about read this.

What scientists found was that chicken nuggets contain actually very little meat.

As NBC reports, “The first nugget was about half muscle, with the rest a mix of fat, blood vessels and nerves. Close inspection revealed cells that line the skin and internal organs of the bird, the authors wrote in the American Journal of Medicine.   The second nugget was only 40 percent muscle, and the remainder was fat, cartilage and pieces of bone.”

So, yes, you are getting chicken parts, but not exactly the meat.

Do you consider this to be deceptive?

Read more here.