Tonya Whitney Boehs Tells Her Story

When I listen to Tonya, I don’t believe a word she says. She gives off the classic hallmarks of someone who is not being honest.

When Tonya talks, you can see she is thinking about what to say instead of speaking from the heart.  She says, “For the sake of security I’ve never even considered taking them up into the hospital like we did, but we were suggested by nurses.”

“I’ve never even considered it…”  but we did!  And we only did it because of nurses suggestions.

Who talks like that?  Anyone you know?

Of course not. This is gibberish nonsense.

Then she does a 180 and says she did it for advertising….totally flip-flopping her story!

“I take them places with me for advertisement purposes because obviously they speak for themselves,” said Boehs.

What most fibbers do is try one version and if that doesn’t work, they try another. It’s like throwing chewed bubble gum up to the ceiling–eventually something will stick!!


Tonya’s entire explanation makes no sense at all and I suspect she is someone who is known to say anything at any given moment.

I suspect most people will be suspicious after watching Tonya.

I have real concern that her intentions here were truly sinister.

5 replies
  1. Paul Flanagan
    Paul Flanagan says:

    First thing I noticed was the thinking. She’s a pile of body movements and odd vocal inflections near the end of it.

  2. Doux
    Doux says:

    I like it, Paul…. “a pile of body movements.” I second that! She did pretty much everything in the book, didn’t she? Stopped and started, didn’t make any sense, was clearly formulating on her feet, body wagging all over the place, etc. Sad.

  3. Karon
    Karon says:

    She is all over the place, contradicting herself and not making a lot of sense. She may be the type to do anything to get attention. Then throw in making a little money, and she is doubly satisfied.

  4. beth
    beth says:

    Hand a baby to anyone that has children and immediately they go into a gentle swaying rocking movement. She is doing this with the doll…soothing it. Also, there are several times where she looks down at the doll and it reminded me of a mother checking on a baby’s comfort. Why is she doing this with a doll? I find it creepy.

  5. feralmommy
    feralmommy says:

    It seems to me she has some sort of mental illness. Either she has lost a child or could never have any (the video doesn’t really make that clear) and she views the dolls as her children. At this point (only watching this short clip) it doesn’t seem like she meant any harm and doesn’t fully understand why this is a problem.

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