Remember Shanesha Taylor?

In July, I wrote about Shanesha Taylor. She was a mom who left her two young children in the car when she went for a job interview in Arizona on an 83 degree day. People found her children and called for help. Shanesha was arrested.

When Shanesha’s mugshot got into the press, her tears caused a strong reaction from the public. People ended up donating more than $115K in donations (source). They believed Shanesha deserved a second chance and the prosecutor in this case gave it to her.

The court took her apology and desire for a second chance and said that she must deposit $60K into a trust fund account for the children by a certain date.

I didn’t believe Shanesha was sincere at all and wrote about it in July. You can read my thoughts here.

As suspected, Shanesha didn’t put any money aside for her kids, and when asked for show proof that she still had the funds, she was unable to do so.

She is now facing child abuse charges for leaving her kids unattended in the car, and will be tried in December!

I am all about giving people a second chance, but this woman was way to flippant in the media to deserve it, and I suspect prosecutors watched closely as well and weren’t about to let her slip through the cracks!

6 replies
  1. Brent
    Brent says:

    What! Doesn’t everyone deserve mercy? What’s wrong with that prosecutor, you can’t take back mercy, can you?

  2. Libby Munro
    Libby Munro says:

    I was several lines into a comment when safari crashed and erased it all. Anywhoooo… I totally afree with you. Good call on this one. 🙂

  3. Meghan Finn
    Meghan Finn says:

    the really amazing thing is that this woman is still asking for MORE money because she claims lawyers are expensive despite the news reporting she is getting a free attorney. Her twitter is pretty interesting:

    and here is a link to her fundraising plea:

    It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a selfish and out of touch person. She was given a huge gift in both the donations and in the agreement to avoid felony charges and she doesn’t seem to even get that.

  4. PCF
    PCF says:

    It’s too bad that people who are really suffering have to live like she lived prior to arrest. People who don’t have substance abuse and other issues like she does. People like her give those who are bona fide a bad name. And they don’t have a voice.

    There are always options available to people in her situation, but she wasn’t proactive enough to seek them out. Her latest court appearances, where her body language is so different, are so telling. It’s all over the local news. She was literally offered a way out, and blew it. Now it’s back to the usual m.o. of an addictive personality. She looks defeated, but why? It didn’t have to be this way. She was only looking at the short term.

    And why won’t anyone give her a job? That’s the bottom line. There are jobs available in Phoenix. She could have put the money in trust, saved some out for a rainy day and worked a regular job with a safety net – something millions of people don’t have.

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