Jordan Rodgers Facial Expression

jordan rodgers

On the Bachelorette last night, Jojo chose Jordan, but before she did, she told him that she was upset and disappointed he didn’t ask her dad for her hand in marriage.  When Jojo questioned Jordan, he made the expression of contempt over and over and over again (not shown above).

Did you know that the Gottman Institute says contempt is the biggest predictor of divorce in a relationship?  It’s true.

Furthermore, when Jordan kept making contempt expressions at Jojo, he wasn’t showing love, compassion or understanding. Instead, his facial expressions told you how he really felt! He looked down upon Jojo with an air of superiority.  If I were to have witnessed that behavior, I would have immediately cautioned Jojo.

But Jordan showed other warning signs as well that he wasn’t truly into Jojo.  The odds they will stay in a relationship, as with most relationships formed on the Bachelorette, are very, very low. But even more so with Jordan’s expressions during a time that should have been one of the best time of their relationship!

Did you catch Jordan’s contempt expressions?

By not seeing them, you are missing a wealth of information!  This is only one way I see how people are sincere. There are many more. Have you considered attending my class in Milwaukee in October?