Winona Ryder’s Facial Expressions

How about a nice change of topic for today?

David Harbour gave a speech at Screen Actors Guild Awards last night that was quite powerful. It’s a joy to watch him speak in support of unity as our country is being torn apart by hate. But it’s equally fascinating to watch Winona Ryder’s facial expressions here.

She is basically exaggerating her expressions to make sure she is communicating her feelings to people clearly. And she is very expressive–intentionally! Have you ever done this?

Winona expected him to talk about the award and intentionally shows a bewildered look as he changes the direction of his speech. Then she even looks like, “What script are you reading?” She then gives a very subtle smile of approval, if you notice.

Next you see her make an expression, like “Oh my god, wow…” Then she shows tension, a bit of anger and then slowly lifts her hand up in support, after which she shows a total bewildered look again.

She goes on to make a quick expression of fear and surprise, scrunches her nose up in a response of approval (like “ooo”) at another point as she smiles.

It’s quite a fascinating video to listen to what David Harbour says and watch what expressions Ryder makes, don’t you think?

Thanks to CW for sharing this with me.

4 replies
  1. Herself
    Herself says:

    To my eyes, she looked like a bad actress trying to figure out which way to play a suddenly improvised role.

  2. Tracker
    Tracker says:

    “Have you ever done this?” – With kids, kids too young to speak. I think people do that instinctively.

  3. Dwin Dykema
    Dwin Dykema says:

    I think she’s on drugs. Her facial expressions are extremely animated and disconnected from ‘reality’.
    Personally, I don’t care for his speech, but then don’t support ‘punching in the face’ or physical violence. Very interesting to see such an alternate take.

  4. Brent
    Brent says:

    That was a fun video. I didn’t see or hear the points of his speech. She must have been enjoying herself and she gave her own non-verbal commentary.

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