Casey Anthony: “But no one asked why!”

Ever since we had the Steven Avery documentary on Netflix, Making a Murderer, in 2015,  I don’t have much faith in shows like this to be hard-sleuthed for the truth.  I expect purely sensational TV for ratings–not hard investigative journalism.  So forgive me, I do not have much hope in this latest feature on Casey Anthony coming out by Peacock at the end of November to reveal anything. I suspect it will just be an entertainment piece that benefits the network and possibly even Casey Anthony here.  However, I will look at it (if I have access) and keep my eyes and ears open. I do care about the truth.

And I want to share the truth–especially if I see an evil person misleading people.  But keep yourself neutral here. Let’s listen.

When I watch the promo above, the first thing we see is Casey Anthony angrily stating, “No one asked why!”

It immediately puts you on edge and makes you feel alarmed, doesn’t it?  Like did you ask why?!!??

A bit of, “What is wrong with YOU here?”

Am I right?

But wait a minute, this is a victim stance–a stance many toxic perpetrators do!  They play victim!!

Alert–this is a BIG red flag for me. My walls of protection are pulling upward.

Is Casey Anthony a victim?

She surely wants you to believe she is.

By doing this, she immediately puts you on the defensive and attacks YOU to keep the target off of HER.

Swift, clever and fast, it’s rather mind-boggling, isn’t it?

Hold on to your pants, don’t recoil at her embolden behavior at this point.

Take note and don’t allow her to make you second guess yourself and your emotional response.

That is exactly what she wants.

Realign yourself. Think about her statement logically.

Hold your emotions and your truth in check. This is essential.

She is trying to act like she was railroaded, but folks, Casey Anthony faced a death-penalty trial. She had a platform to give her defense, to tell her story, to tell the WHY, to honor her daughter, right? She is acting like she could never say why before.  Is that reasonable or true?

It’s not.

This is actually GASLIGHTING. It’s meant to do all the things I said above –to disorient you, confuse you and make you question yourself and not her.

It’s to throw you off-center, and it works against most people when used as Casey Anthony has above.

Did she succeed in gaslighting you?

Her statement here:  It’s completely inconsistent immediately, it denies reality and doesn’t support an element of truth.

We all know one thing. Casey Anthony is a pathological liar, so tread cautiously.

Please note this piece was an edited cut and we do not know the entire conversation, so I am putting in a caveat here that given the entire conversation, there is a slight chance it could change how it is understood and interpreted. I reserve the right to adjust my assessment when given more information.

So while it is a huge ALERT and red flag for me here, it is important to see the entire conversation to make a solid judgement, but it will be very hard for her to make this come out any other way. So let’s take what we’ve seen so far, and file it under a strong red flag.

Find your ground, hold your truth and what you’ve known from the past (don’t question it) and listen logically. Hold your emotions of out this!  Let’s see what comes next…


6 replies
  1. megans
    megans says:

    When I saw the promo on this feature I was sceptical and actually thought of you and how much I missed your commentary on these type of cases. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and teaching us how to sharpen our own observational skills!

  2. Eyes for Lies
    Eyes for Lies says:

    Peacock advertises that you can watch their channel for free. I thought great. Now when I go to see the Casey Anthony docu-series, they want a premium fee. Um, no. I’m not paying for that! If the news media releases more clips, do share and I will share my opinion.

  3. KW
    KW says:

    Happy to share my login/password for peacock so you can watch if you’d like, let me know and maybe I came email to you? Would love your thoughts, I’ve watch all 3 parts and it’s making my head spin.

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