Alex Murdaugh Trial: My Opinion


Many people are interested in the murder trial of Alex Murdaugh, a lawyer from a prominent legal family for decades in South Carolina, accused of killing his son and wife.

To me, as the story was unfolding in the news in 2021, I was dumbfounded at the multiple one-in-a-million scenarios that were swirling around Murdaugh.  When you see that, always take notice.  Bad things can happen 1-in-a-million times, maybe twice: but three, four or five times??

No, that’s too unlikely with just plain old statistical odds alone.

That’s your first massive red flag.

Then when that person with these multiple 1-in-a-million odd stories, turns out to be an admitted liar?  And are caught in lie after lie after lie?

Your red flags are on FIRE!

Just say’n.

ON FIRE in capital letters!

Murdaugh is riddled with inconsistencies everywhere I looked and still look.

Above and beyond the murders of his son and wife, he is facing over 100 charges (according to the news I am reading) for money laundering, stealing millions from the family business and clients, to tax evasion, and being involved in roadside shooting incident that has hotter than coals on fire when it happened where his living son stood to gain $10 million in insurance money.

I am still open to look at clips of the case, if people want to post them in the comments.  Everyone should have a right to a fair trial.

I do have one question for anyone who believes him, why do you believe him, if you would courageously share it with me privately or in the comments.


I know people are looking at his testimony to see what clues he drops.  In the video above, a reader has asked, does Alex Murdaugh’s headshakes indicate deception?

My answer is no.

This is not a classical presentation of an inconsistent nod or head shake.  To understand headshakes, you must understand human behavior at a deeper level.

It’s not black and white.

Murdaugh’s headshakes are a rather odd behavior, to be honest.

I’m scratching my head with them. I want to see more:  Is this being done intentionally because he knows about this signal so he is trying to confuse us?

Or is this just a weird behavioral quirk unique to Murdaugh?

I suspect it is the latter, but he is a polished liar so I am curious about the first!  If you see more videos of him doing this–please post links and time makers!! I’d like to figure this out.

Does he do it at other times when answering questions? Is it consistent when he tells the truth and lies? We have him caught in enough lies to look at this. If he only does it with his lies, it will make me go hmmm….


If you watch Murdaugh in multiple interviews, you can clearly see this man can lie without a flinch, with no outward signs in interviews.

There are people who can do this. Always know this! But its very rare.

The most evil among us are capable of this, and often can get away with a lot of crimes because they can not only lie without any emotional remorse, BUT they know how to play on other people’s emotions skillfully and with precision to fool them!

Many highly intelligent psychopaths get away with some horrific stuff because of this.

Is Murdaugh a psychopath?  It is plausible here.

To get up on the stand in a case like this is ultra-risky, but it is a common practice for psychopaths to do. They think they are brilliant due to all the lies they pulled off successfully over their lifetime. They become so arrogant and cocky they keep convincing themselves they can fool anyone. And Murdaugh being a lawyer, too, he may continue to think he can fool the jury without question.

But I don’t think in this case Murdaugh will do that successfully.

He is grasping at straws to say he lied to investigators about being at the kennels the night of the murders because he didn’t trust SLED, and that he had addiction and was paranoid. Oh, he was paranoid alright but not for the reasons he said.  Skilled liars love to lay bits of truth at people’s feet to confuse them.

He was paranoid–that is the truth!! He was afraid that they would connect the dots way before he was prepared  to answer!  And to that point, he further tries to earn people’s sympathy that night by saying another TRUTHFUL FACT, “I don’t think I was capable of reason.”

That’s the truth! But yikes!!  I can imagine his defense team was cringing like crazy when he said that! That was a huge slip up, if you ask me.

He now has put himself at the location of the crime within minutes of when it occurred and admitted he didn’t think he was capable of reason that night.  He’s clearly not as smart as he thought he was.


5 replies
  1. Oscar L.
    Oscar L. says:

    It’s interesting that you believe that he slipped up when he said he wasn’t capable of reasoning that night. He is obviously trying to say that he wasn’t capable of reasoning after finding them? or however things transpired that night. I don’t quite buy his story about the paranoia and all the things that went into it to make him lie to the cops, but I think it’s possible that he lied to the police because he was nervous about hiding other things – all the crimes you mentioned.

    I noticed how he emphasized I.would.never.hurt.them.Ever. or something like that. Similar to that one time Bill Clinton did not have relations… This was one sentence that stood out to me and had me questioning him, but I can’t say that an honest person would never do the same. But I take note of it. He also used the word intentionally – he would never hurt them intentionally – that is why I believe you’re right that he slipped up.

    When he was asked about lying to the police he went on to explain it instantaneously, so he seemed credible at first. It didn’t seem like he recited points he’d already been over in his head either.

    The circumstances, the lies, and apparently a million other crimes to his name look really bad and warrants him becoming prime suspect. But if it wasn’t for all that… He’s a good liar, or could it be that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and tried to escape having the police look into him for tax evasion etc? Not likely.

    • Eyes for Lies
      Eyes for Lies says:

      Please know skilled liars do not need to rehearse anything. They are skilled at lying in the moment as they talk. That’s one of the reasons they are skilled. They can defend anything in any minute and be convincible! That’s how they are able to commit so many crimes and get away with them. And unskilled liar has to rehearse.

      Do you think he has been in the wrong place over and over and over and over again?

      • Oscar L.
        Oscar L. says:

        No, I do not. I believe he did it, and I suspect he’s some sort of psychopath. But I nevertheless wanted to believe him when he said he didn’t do it.

        His eyes are very deeply set and empty, but not like anything I’d confidently recognize as a problem because he doesn’t look tired or drained or gleeful or anything like that. Some have got eyes like that, this is the first time I’ve seen one of them questioned for murder. I wonder if it’s a red flag.

        His eyes flashed angry when the attorney pushed him. The attorney is clearly convinced he’s found the culprit. It put me on my guard early, so even though Murdaugh said all the right things I wasn’t gonna swallow just anything he told us. Funny how that works.

  2. Oscar L.
    Oscar L. says:

    Watching it again he’s just full of bs and lying through his teeth. When he starts apologizing for lying about his whereabouts he finishes off by saying he’s “sorry to Max and Paul-Paul.” It doesn’t make sense. It’s off!

    Maybe he’s being honest here because indeed he did something very bad to them, but why would he be apologizing to them for lying about his whereabouts? Is that really why he is telling them sorry? I’m guessing he’s sorry about something, but it’s not what he’s claiming to be sorry about. Perhaps he just finished a round of apologizing to all his family and extended family for murdering them, under the guise of apologizing for something different.

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