Fraudulent Admissions at Hospitals? Take Notice

I believe the doctors and nurse who came out and spoke to 60 Minutes in this segment above are telling the truth.

I have also seen this practice at my local hospital firsthand by doctors twice when they tried to keep myself and another time my dad when it clearly wasn’t warranted. Thankfully, we said thanks, but no thanks and went home!

New Year Resolution to Lose Weight? You May Pay More!


Happy New Year!

Hopefully you had a good celebration to kick off the New Year.  Perhaps you even set yourself a new year’s resolution or goal you want to accomplish. Even if you didn’t, many people head off to the gym in the middle of winter to get some exercise after all the holiday eating and lack of exercise, but there is something you should know about gym memberships, if you are planning to do this.

If you are heading to get a gym membership and are overweight, there is a good chance you won’t get as good of a membership rate as your skinny friends.  Seems counter-intuitive, doesn’t it?   You would think gyms would want people who need to lose weight to join their club, but no, it appears they want pretty women and much prefer them to those who are holding extra pounds because pretty woman are eye-candy. It’s sad, but true. Watch the video above to see for yourself.

I recently wrote on my Facebook page that I believe we are living in one of the most deceptive times in our lifetime.  Where we used to expect and demand decency in business, we now tolerate absolutely deceptive practices without banning together to stop it.

And gyms are not the only ones who are outrageously offending us with shoddy practices.  Hotels, airlines, online stores–they are all getting in the game.

If you don’t shop around and read the fine print, or understand what the words “2 tickets left at this price” really means, you’ll get taken to the cleaners without so much as a clue!   When you dig, you will be surprised at how misleading companies have become in attempt to get you to pay top dollar for something!  For those who do their homework, they are likely paying 20-50% less than someone who doesn’t. 

It’s mind-blowing to be frank that they are getting away with this, and the only way I see this stopping if people wise up and stop supporting these tactics.

Last year I bought a router online at Walmart. It was inexpensive so I skipped doing my homework and did I get a big surprise! When I went to the store and happened to walk by it–guess what?  The store price was a good ten dollars cheaper for the same item (33% off!!).I was shocked and immediately returned the item and purchased it again through my local store.  I’m not paying for these gimmicks and I hope you don’t either.

Whenever you think you have the system figured out, too, I can promise you one thing:  The stores will be one step ahead of you again–setting things up to make sure they get your top dollar UNLESS YOU DO YOUR HOMEWORK every time you shell out your dough.

Be smart in 2013 and let companies know you are NOT falling for their gimmicks. They don’t work.  Do your homework and save!  You can easily afford a free vacation on your savings–there is no doubt about that!

Happy New Year!