Surgeons Reveal Truth: Must Read!

skeeze / Pixabay

In my reading this morning, I found a great article that divulges the truth about many elements regarding surgery that you are unlikely to ever hear or read anywhere else again. These are true confessions from surgeons–directly.

Some of the elements I, myself, have personally discovered through experience, and thankfully didn’t get hurt because I caught the lies. In one situation, a doctor recommended an organ-removal surgery. She tried to scare me that I had a strong potential for cancer, which couldn’t be determined until after the surgery, and if I was her family member, she would schedule me immediately.

It was only after I got a second opinion, and did my homework that I was able to put the pieces together that this doctor was unskilled to do a less dramatic surgery because it was way more complex. It was scary to think that she was willing to take dramatic steps on my body that could have life-long side affects due to her lack of skill and know-how! And this doctor was rated very highly. It blew me away.

If you have 10 minutes to spare today, this is one article I can’t recommend strong enough that you read. I found it to be very true, very honest and revealing about what your surgeon is likely not going to tell you, but YOU NEED TO KNOW!

Here are some of the advice from this article, but don’t stop here–they explain each piece! There is so much more you can learn and it could possibly save you or your loved one’s life one day:

  • If your primary care doctor recommends another doctor, don’t assume it is because he or she is good
  • Some surgeons will not recommend procedures they don’t know how to do (as I stated above)
  • When going into surgery, do you know who your anesthesiologist will be? You should!
  • Mistakes are more common than you think

There are 50 tips in this article–don’t stop here!

Education is a vital tool in exposing liars. Liars hate educated people–take it from me. I know.

What do you think is the biggest myth BELIEVED in spotting liars?

There are many myths to spotting lies that are believed — from liars look up and to the right when they fib, or that they can’t look you in the eye.  Another one is liars are nervous, as if honest people being questioned wouldn’t be.

None of these are true.

What are some things you’ve heard people say they believe reveals a liar but you know are not true?

The myths perpetuated in the media, online, and on TV are everywhere.

What Clues Reveal A Liar?

websiteMany people assume when they see my nickname of “Eyes For Lies” that I teach people about how the eyes reveal lies. I do not teach nor do I believe that our eyes reveal lies. As an expert in spotting deception and understanding human behavior identified in a world renowned scientific study, I rely on different clues than most people are familiar with. I believe that in order to be good at spotting deception you have to understand people first and foremost.

When I teach my class, the first morning, I ask participants to articulate what markers on the human face reveal that a person is truly feeling happiness rather than faking it? Or what are the markers that reveal someone is truly sad versus putting on an act?

Would you be surprised to hear that less than 5% of people—including deception detection professionals—can accurately define the markers on the face that identify genuine emotion? It surprises me because this is fundamental requirement to understanding people.

It is highly important to understand emotions, and be able to identify genuine and fake emotions in seconds, if you want to get to the truth and quickly. This essential information.

One myth many participants believe is that people can use emotions to manipulate other people, but this is only true if you don’t understand the science behind emotional expression. Once you understand the science, no one can manipulate you using emotions again.  You will see right through them.  Emotional understanding on the scientific level is that powerful.

People also display hidden emotions that most people don’t see, but you don’t know what you don’t see, right?  Getting keyed into this information is also important.

A person can try to conceal how they feel, but their face will leak it out in as short as 1/25th of a second at times. I see these and so does a small percentage of our population. But 85% of the population do not see these hidden emotions without training. These are a fascinating topic in and of themselves.

I introduce participants in my class to all in these elements before lunch on the first day of my three day course.

So, you see, the truth is written all over our face, it’s just few people know what to look for.

Once you understand the science of emotions, and can confidentially and quickly (within seconds) articulate what emotion a person is feeling as well as identify if its genuine or fake, you are ready to move into understanding human behavior on a deeper level.

Human behavior is very complex. Each move we make, every word we chose, each behavior we display reveals information.

When a liar is trying to balance the truth from the lie, they become cognitively overloaded, and that weakness causes liars to leak many subconscious clues that reveal the truth. These clues are the most reliable clues simply because they cannot be controlled or manipulated. A liar literally betrays himself, and that’s what I expose and teach in my three day class.

If you are interested in my training, my next course date is March 14-16, 2016, in Milwaukee at the Hilton Garden Inn by the airport. Click here for more information.

Personality-Based Emotional Intelligence Test

Personality split

I have been spending time trying to understand more information about emotional intelligence, and how it combines with my ability to spot deception. Having read about emotional intelligence lately, I am finding the definitions fall short in describing the depth of my “tool set”, for a lack of a better term. While I do understand emotions extremely well, I believe there is more to reading people than just emotions. Emotions, to me, are a subset of my skills, as is deception detection. It’s one element, but not the largest element. Does that make sense?

The boarder picture is understanding people and human behavior, and one explanation that I have been exploring lately is personality intelligence. I seem to have templates in my head for understanding people. I feel like I live in a world without strangers.  Maybe its due to pattern-matching of facial features, emotions, and behaviors together?  I am trying to understand it more.

Today in my quest for more information, I took a test online, the Personality-Based Emotional Intelligence Test. When my score popped up, it said I scored higher than 96.2% of people who took the test. That caught my eye. I found the test easy and required little thought. I missed three answers. I wrote the website owner to find out more information about this test and the research behind it (see comments below–people are getting the same score for different answers–uh oh!).

I truly believe who wrote this test gets it! They understand what I am doing and I’d like to learn more about it!  This correlates to the “facial profiling service” I offer.

On the website where the test is given, it says:

This website has been offering a wide selection of psychological tests, mostly personality tests, since late 2011 and has given millions of results since then. It exists to educate the public about various personality tests, their uses and meaning, the various theories of personality and also to collect research data. This website is under continuous development and new tests and information are being added all the time.

This website also exists for the promotion of open source assessments and open data. A number of open source measures of popular psychological constructs have been developed and are made available under a creative commons licence on this website, see the full list. Also, at the end of every test users are asked if their data can be saved and used for research. The (anonymous) data that this yields can be downloaded from the data page. This data has already been used in several academic articles.

How did you score on the test?

The Duggars and Molestation

I haven’t seen all of the video of the Duggars speaking out on Fox News with Megan Kelly. I haven’t even followed this story, but reading about it this morning due to the requests of readers, I am totally flagged by the story being told.

The Duggars are saying that Josh came to them and admitted he was touching his younger siblings at night.


Does that even sound plausible?

The concept that Josh knew his behavior was wrong and decided to tell his parents does not seem realistic to me.  Most teenagers who engage in any sexual behavior don’t go and confess it to their parents.  IF they realize it is wrong, they would simply stop and hope the discussion never comes up.

I do not believe we are getting the truth here at all.

I am further concerned that Jill is saying that the girls didn’t even know they were touched or that it was inappropriate, and yet Jim Bob says, “This was like touching somebody over their clothes. There were a couple instances where he touched them under their clothes.”

So the girls didn’t know they were touched under their clothes?


And a babysitter was also affected, but you notice there is no talk of that at all.

I don’t believe Josh came forward and that his parents were just good citizens and turned him into police and got counseling. I believe there is a lot more to this story, and I feel for the Duggar children who are being shown that honesty is not the best policy.

Don’t get me wrong, I feel for any parent who has to deal with a challenging situation like this, but please parents, if you are going to talk, which you do not have to do, tell the truth or don’t speak at all. You are setting a horrible example for your children.