My Strangeness: Dermatographia

(click to see full-sized. Caution: It’s freaky looking up-close!)

I am just a strange cat. I see deception more than the average person, and when you scratch me, even gently, I welt. This is my arm after I took a pen cap with the stroke and force of penmanship, and wrote my name. There is no sign I did anything at first. Then over a couple of minutes, my skin welts up, and stays that way for 10 to 15 minutes or so. I thought all people did this, but I’ve realized that this is not so.

This woman, who has the same condition, appeared on 20/20 a few months back. She now uses her body as her art canvas, and she is fetching big bucks for it –$4500 per piece of artwork. Check out more images here.

Freaky! Did you see the show?