Be Warned: Fake Kidnapping Scam

Law enforcement is warning people nationally about a scam that is happening across the U.S. A person calls and tells you that your loved one has been kidnapped, and instructs you to get money or your loved one dies with a bullet to the head! Then they get you to drive your car all over town to wire money promising you this will ensure the safe return of your loved one. They don’t allow you time to get off your phone and call your loved one or anyone else!

Worse, as seen in the scam above, they have gotten both parents involved.

Don’t think because you don’t have little children that this can’t happen to you. It’s happening to parents of college-age children, and children in their twenties.

When I search the news, I am seeing cases from coast-to-coast being reported on by major news networks. This California station gives you information from the FBI on what to do should you get a call like this! It’s a helpful article.

These criminals are playing on people’s emotions. And I’ve always said when people are emotional, their ability to spot the truth plummets dramatically. It’s when people are emotional that they will do things that they normally wouldn’t do and criminals are harnessing that human frailty.

Chase’s Expression

chase surprise

Yesterday I asked viewers who caught Chase’s microexpression on the Bachelorette Monday night. And only one viewer identified it after many people responded.

The expression is above, and the information revealed (that Chase is surprised) allows us to match Chase’s words to his facial expression and know if he is truthful.

Was Chase truthful to Jojo in this interaction?

Chase’s Telling Expression On The Bachelorette


Who caught the microexpression that Chase made when Jojo gave him the boot in the fantasy suite on Monday night?

It was very telling, fascinating and interesting to see!

Who knows what it was?

If you don’t know — you are missing a huge aspect of communication in life. Come to my Master Class to see what you’re missing (100% money back guarantee)!!

Note: The photo above is not of the microexpression.