Facts About Lying

Liar's Club - Chicago, ILphoto © 2007 Angie Linder | more info (via: Wylio)

I found an interesting article from the University of Massachusetts for those of you who are interested in deception facts.

It says:

  1. Sixty percent of people lied during a 10 minute conversation.
  2. The average person told two or three lies in that 10 minutes.
  3. The people in the study were surprised that they lied so much!
  4. Men and women lie about the same amount. They just lie about different things.
  5. Women most often lie to make others feel better.
  6. Men most often lie to make themselves feel better.

How many lies are told per day to the average person then?

I suggest it is best not to think about it!

(reposted from 2007)

Fraudsters Think Too Much

Cash Card Fraud

Here is an interesting article on research, insurance fraud and liars.

The expert in detecting deception says her research has shown that liars make extensive plans before they lie, but that truth-tellers do not plan their story.

She explained that because liars need to think about their plan when being questioned, this puts a large load on their brain which in turn affects their behaviour.

The article goes on to say that people believe when they tell the truth it will come shining through, but it doesn’t sadly. Do I know that one LOL!

Thanks to the reader who sent this to me!

What is the biggest lie you’ve ever been told?

View of brightly lit room from doorway of a dark room

I thought I’d ask you: What is the biggest lie you’ve ever been told? Do you want to share it with us? I know there are some whoppers out there…Maybe you can help others by sharing your story…

Did you see any clues to the lie? Do you see any now in hindsight that you aren’t so close to the situation anymore?

I usually take off this week and I am going to be stepping away from the computer for the next few days to take a break. The hubster is off and we just plan on relaxing and enjoying ourselves. I will check messages and comments, but I may be slower to respond. I hope you understand. Sometimes its good to clear the brain and get refreshed!

People in Power: Better Liars?

Obama, With Former Presidents Bush And Clinton, Speaks On Haiti

Check out this study, People in power make better liars, study shows:

“Power, it seems, enhances the same emotional, cognitive, and physiological systems that lie-telling depletes. People with power enjoy positive emotions, increases in cognitive function, and physiological resilience such as lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Thus, holding power over others might make it easier for people to tell lies.”

Read more here. What do you think? I’ll share my opinion in the comment section below.

Police Dupe Liar

This video is fascinating…

Thanks to Karen for this video link!