Travis Alexander mentions worry of “Axe Murderer” before murder…

Look at what this news report shows you about Travis’ blog on It’s mind-blowing what he wrote just shortly before he died…”This type of dating is like a very long job interview…desperately trying to find out if my date has an axe murderer penned up inside of her.”

I searched his blog but wasn’t able to find that part. Here is Jodi Arias myspace page and Travis Alexander’s page.  They are still up, yet frozen in time. It offers insight into who each of these people were.

Travis Alexander looked like a neat guy, who had his act together, and cared about doing well in life.  He had a dog and showed signs that he was a compassionate man by this, his thoughts and his words. 

Read Travis’ posts: They reveal a lot about him.  He was man of deep thought, who comes across as quite intelligent.  He talks of meeting Nick Vujicic, a man who was born without arms and legs.  Travis talks about his violent and drug addicted parents and how he lived a horrific childhood.  He tells us how he left home at the age of 10 and how his grandfather changed his life. His grandfather told him he was special, but he said that didn’t make him any better than anyone else.

In contrast, with Jodi Aris, all you have to do is watch her speak to see her controlling and manipulative behavior. It’s as ripe as a peach rotting off the tree.

Many people who lived Travis’ existence would have blamed the world for all of their problems, but he was wise to realize he was the only one in control of his destiny.  He was the one in control and yet he was humble. If only he had known that his wisdom about the “axe murderer” was so true that he needed to protect himself immediately, he might be here today.

But sadly, none of us are ever prepared for the wrath of a psychopath.  It’s nearly impossible to predict when they will drop the pendulum of death.

Monserrate Shirley Arrested

While I didn’t post this on my blog, there was a discussion about this case on my Facebook page and on my suggestions page.

A house exploded in an Indianapolis neighborhood which killed two people back in November.  This is the owner of the house speaking about the explosion above.  I found her behavior suspicious writing the following comment on my suggestion page:

Monseratte does not show genuine sadness though she truly wants us to believe she is sad. I see a lot of inconsistencies in her story. Does that mean she blew up the house? No. It simply means she knows more than she is saying, if you ask me.

 Consequently, and to no surprise to me, Monserrate Shirley has been arrested in connection with the explosion and the deaths of her two neighbors.

“I am Adam Lanza’s mom,” says woman…

Child's Hands Holding White Rose for Peace Free Creative Commons

Here is a powerful letter by a mom who says she related to what Nancy Lanza may have experienced with her son, Adam.  I think she brings an interesting conversation to the table.

I think she makes excellent points that we don’t have a system for dealing with mentally ill people, and I have experienced it myself.

Several times in my life I have encountered people who I felt were a concern to society, I reached out for help only to find out that unless they committed a crime, there was nothing that we could do proactively. It’s part of protecting our freedoms.

How do we protect our freedoms yet care for the mentally ill? It’s a difficult topic to say the least.

Jodi Arias Case Finally Going to Trial

(Video no longer available)

For those of you who have followed my blog for a while, or who have attended my law enforcement training classes, you may remember the case of Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias.

Travis Alexander’s body was found shot and stabbed 27 times by his friends five days after his murder. Arias claimed it was two masked gunman that came into Alexander’s apartment and that she managed to get away and had nothing to do with it. yet ironically never called to get Travis help. Yes, that says it all, doesn’t it?

When you watch Jodi Arias talk to reporters, she not only smiles all the time, as she did in her mug shot, but she is emotionless as can be, which reveals a lot about Jodi Arias.

I don’t think it will take a jury very long to get to the truth in this case.

To read my all of my thoughts on this case, click here.

Thanks, KC, for the update!

John McAfee Interview

A reader asked me to look at John McAfee’s interview to see what I saw.

I see a troubled man.

When John McAfee is asked, “You are John McAfee?” he thinks for a minute!  That is really bizarre.  Then he shrugs his shoulders–an expression of doubt–as he says, “I think so, yes….I am John McAfee.”  That’s either a huge red flag that he is being deceptive, or the man I am looking at it is suffering from some mental confusion or disorder, which in this case cannot be ruled out.

By looking at his face, I seriously wonder if it is the latter.

When John is asked if he is afraid, his face is as neutral as can be. This is another odd variable to his interview. Is he not expressing fear because his demons aren’t flaring now?  You can’t help but wonder.

After seeing this video, I wanted to see other news reports. Are there signs of mental disorder, delusion, etc. that can be gleaned from other interviews?  I set out to read more, and what I found did not surprise me.

The answer is yes. It does appear John is suffering from some mental affliction, and his story is absolutely inconsistent along with his behavior. You don’t even need me to tell you.  I can understand why police would want to interview him.

His behaviors are more supportive that he is a man who could snap under pressure.

Check these out:

Wired: John McAfee Unhinged

I do think he is volatile and anyone who finds him should take serious precautions to protect themselves.