Coralrose Fullwood: The Truth is Never Easy

This week, Patrick Murphy, who was charged with the murder of Coralrose Fullwood, plead guilty. News reports are saying he is admitting to killing Coralrose. So does this mean the case is closed?

Back in 2007, I watched several videos of Dale Fullwood (which are no longer online unfortunately) and I stated that I did not trust him. Dale Fullwood’s daughter, Coralrose, was murdered and her body was found within hours a few blocks away at a construction site by a dog walker. Dale has always told people that he came home from the bar he worked at, saw Coralrose sleeping and went to bed. By the time they awoke the next morning, she was missing. Dale told reporters that he believed she was abducted from his home as he and his family of six slept.

Read moreWhen Murphy was arrested in August 2008 due to DNA, people were convinced I had this case wrong, yet thankfully the police kept an open-mind. It turns out they had or got more information than we did at the time.

An informant in this case has told police that Coralrose’s rape and death was videotaped. See this article from the Herald-Tribune:

The night she was abducted and killed, 6-year-old Coralrose Fullwood was taken to a home along with other children to perform sex acts for a video, according to court records obtained by the Herald-Tribune.

Furthermore, they report:

According to the records released this week (June 2009), Coralrose was taken to the home of the man charged with murdering her, Patrick Dewayne Murphy, who lived two miles away from the Fullwood home.

Several adults were at the home, as well as Coralrose, three young girls and a boy, the records say, and one of the men offered the children $10 to have sex with each other while he filmed them.

And last:

He [Dale Fullwood] has told police he had no part in his daughter’s death, a crime that police say was not random.

Sadly, the truth is never easy, and that is why I am writing this post. It is not black and white. We want to believe that when we have a suspect, especially with DNA, that the case is cut and dry. It’s over. Person A is guilty and so then Person B must be honest.

Deception isn’t as simple as he did it or he didn’t. Deception can run deep and in many directions, and is often harder to solve than murder. It doesn’t leave behind DNA, but as we get closer to the truth, a picture begins to fuzz before us, and until that picture is clear, we must never give up in search of the truth.

We do not know how Coralrose was identified to be one of the children to participate in the child pornography “gathering” that night. Can we rule Dale out as having no knowledge considering all the facts in this case? To do so would mean you believe that Patrick Murphy abducted Coralrose between 2:00- 7:00 a.m. from a house full of six people without being discovered–for the purpose of bringing her to the pornography “gathering”. That seems remote to me. I don’t doubt at all that Murphy may be the one that ultimately killed Coralrose, but does that leave Dale free and clear, and most importantly honest?

Police have clearly identified that Patrick Murphy and Dale Fullwood had a connection. Witnesses reported seeing them look at pornography on Dale Fullwood’s computer where he worked. Dale Fullwood was also found to have child pornography on his computer which he was charged and sentenced to serve time.

The biggest problem one must live with when finding the truth is being willing to live in a state of ambiguity. Ambiguity make us uncomfortable. When people find things that make them uncomfortable, they want them to go away–they want easy answers. That’s not how we find the truth.

In cases with complexity, it may take years and even decades until the truth reveals itself. In some cases, we know the truth may never reveal itself. But through it all, if we want the truth, we must be willing to live with ambiguity and accept it, until the full picture of the truth reveals itself, otherwise we will just live with another deception.

People in Power: Better Liars?

Obama, With Former Presidents Bush And Clinton, Speaks On Haiti

Check out this study, People in power make better liars, study shows:

“Power, it seems, enhances the same emotional, cognitive, and physiological systems that lie-telling depletes. People with power enjoy positive emotions, increases in cognitive function, and physiological resilience such as lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Thus, holding power over others might make it easier for people to tell lies.”

Read more here. What do you think? I’ll share my opinion in the comment section below.

Tiger Woods Speaks Again

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I really enjoyed seeing Tiger Woods in this latest interview. Why? Because he is being so down to earth and humble over his mistakes. He is showing his human side. He is facing his mistakes head-on, talking about them and he is even showing us that he is insecure about golfing in front of the public again. That’s three stars for Woods!

What other famous, rich person have you seen do this?

Read moreI honestly can’t think of another apology, off hand, where the person was so humble. Usually, the stars have a chip on their shoulder that is so huge, even after admissions and an apology, the arrogance steams off of them like hot pavement being hit by a cool summer rain. This is absolutely missing from Woods and a strong indication he means what he is saying.

When someone apologizes to me, this is what I need:

a). I need to hear the apologizer say what they did wrong: repeatedly, if I need it. If they can’t do it–forget the apology.

b). I need to see them say it in a humble way: any sign of arrogance or resistance–forget about it! They haven’t accepted their actions and are not sorry.

c). I need them to allow me to ask questions like “Why did you do this”? If the person can’t discuss it how I need to discuss it and as often as I need to discuss it, and give me what I need, they haven’t come to terms with what they did wrong.

d). I need the apologizer to let me chose the time frame to accept that apology. If someone wants instant gratification that I forgive them, it’s over. I am the one who is hurt and considering giving them a second chance. That means the relationship, to begin with a second time, is on my terms. PERIOD. They hurt me and now they need to give me the space to heal as I need to do so, if they are truly regretful.

I’m a tough cookie with apologies. Hurt me once, shame on you. Hurt me twice, shame on me for not demanding what I needed! My guidelines have sniffed out a lot of no-so-sorry people in my life. Thank god!

River Cruz

The other day a reader asked me for my opinion on River Cruz on my Feedback page. Cruz is the woman who claims she had an affair with George Anthony, and that George confessed to her that Caylee’s death was an accident.

Read moreThe reader wrote:

River Cruz supposedly had an affair with George Anthony two years ago. Supposedly authorities came to her to get the info. She says that she is not hoping to make money off of the information. Both she and her sister Skye Benhaida were interviewed. Videos of both are on WFTV. more

River Cruz supposedly had an affair with George Anthony two years ago. Supposedly authorities came to her to get the info. She says that she is not hoping to make money off of the information. Both she and her sister Skye Benhaida were interviewed. Videos of both are on WFTV.

They’re all short videos. Do you think that the two women are being truthful. I thought that the sister seemed to be taking delight in the whole thing on her first interview. River Cruz herself seems to want to be left alone and doesn’t seem interested in getting attention for this although my guess is that she’ll be happy enough if she gets some money from the tabloids in the end.

I responded two days ago on the 17th (I just see UserVoice isn’t showing dates! What the heck? They used to):

These two are sending mixed messages. There is quite a bit of shoulder shrugging where I wouldn’t expect to see it. This is also not a high stake lie, but I don’t believe we are hearing 100% of the truth. I’d need to see more to break it all down.

There is definite interest to get money from this, if you want my opinion, from both women. Was there an affair? I am undetermined at this time.

Nancy Grace interviewed River Cruz’s sister on her show on the 17th. You can read the transcript here, and River’s sister denies selling the story to the National Enquirer or having interest in any money.

Yet last night on Nancy Grace, what do you suppose Nancy Grace was holding up? The National Enquirer with River Cruz’s story!

Is that a hit? A success at calling out a liar? You decide. I’m pissed User Voice doesn’t have date stamps anymore! We all need to complain to them to change that!

Clues to Child and Snake

While this video is just a joke and was created by actors, I still think there is good value in watching it. Many people take life at face value and when they see a sad face or a tragic story, they fall into the grasp of prey. Or when they are offered a “too good to be true” become rich opportunity, they buy into it. They get emotional and their critical thinking levels drop. This is exactly how serial killers lure their victims, and how scam artists succeed in conning people. While I am not trying to scare people and many of you saw red flags at various levels, I thought I would break down some of the notable points of this video for you.

When you first watch the video, what is the first thing you notice?

Read moreYou should be immediately struck by what the host says about saving money, “We’re going to show you how to guilt your kids into dropping out of college.” I can be confident that many people missed this. We get drawn into stories and when we hear a tragedy, we often get emotional and miss basic details. Being fine-tuned into the details is a big head-start into spotting deception. Truly listening to people is so critical and I am amazed at how many people fail to do this. It’s one of the easiest ways to increase your ability to spot deception. If you listen critically to what is being said, you have a much higher likelihood that you’ll hear inconsistencies, which is one of the bigger red flags to deception.

The second thing that caught my eye was the photo of the python with the child in its belly. It’s so horrifying, if this were real, you can be assured it would not be shown on TV. Did this give you pause?

I find it fascinating how the mom says, “It was just a regular morning”. If this was a tragedy as we are being told, she wouldn’t be recalling it as a ‘regular morning’. This shows lack of emotional by-in to the storyline.

When she says, “Rich was taking the girls to school and Zack was playing in the habitat,” her emotions are flat. Did you hear here say this when you first watched it?

We would expect to see pain, fear, stress, concern, worry–something on the mom’s face, but we see nothing. Instead, she looks at the reporter with a classic expression of “Am I believable? Do you believe me?” Something about liars, they look for assurance that their storyline is being bought into. I see it time and time again.

You’ve got to laugh that Zack shared a room with the snake and that Zack was playing “in the habitat” while she was in another room painting. Did you catch this detail? Of course, this is absurd and no parent caught in this nightmare would ever admit to this. They’d be panicked their other children would be taken away and they would lie to cover this, if it were true. People self-preserve. Its part of our nature as humans.

If you listen to the mother’s voice as she talks, it is quite interesting that many of her statements end in a high note, like a question, rather than in a down tone like a statement.

I continually notice the mom’s expressions are flat, and when she does finally break down, its labored. You can almost feel her working at becoming upset and there are absolutely no tears! Did you notice? At one point, I almost wonder if she started to laugh as she fake-cried when she put her head down. I can’t be sure. She must have thought of something sad though, because she did pull off for a couple of seconds a good sad expression.

You have to laugh at the father when he says, “You never think your python is going to bring the family anything but joy.” And the reporter when he says, “Its the kind of thing you think can only happen to other people…”

It’s even more funny how the father says, “We tried to be safe parents. We would never let Zach by the pool unless he was supervised by one of us or the python.” Did you hear “or the python” when you first listened to this video?

You’ve got to be laughing at this point. His wife just said they left him alone in the “habitat”. Big inconsistencies and absolute craziness–the snake watching the boy in the pool. It’s over-the-top. There were so many things that should have caught people’s attention, but I bet I can be confident we all missed details, myself included.

The mom goes on, “I keep thinking what if I had checked on them before I went shopping and the movies.” Hello! Who leaves a little boy alone to go shopping and to the movies? Remember, dad was out with the girl(s).

The father says, “We were going to put a lock on the habitat. I mean a door and then a lock on the habitat, but…” He goes on, “We even thought about putting the snake outside…especially since he ate our Boston terrier a couple of months ago.” Did you catch these–that there was no door on the habitat? That the snake ate their Boston terrier?


No parents in their right mind would admit to being so careless unless they were severely disabled. People have a natural sense of preservation, which is clearly missing from this comedy, for obvious reasons :).

I could go on, but since this is a joke, and I will stop here. If you believed these people, because you are new to The Onion, its okay. Don’t beat yourself. Maybe this is a good experience that you can improve your listening skills. Simply doing that, you will help dispel more deception than you’ll ever realize.

I’d be curious to hear from people, after reading this, did you see more in writing than you actually heard? I can honestly admit even I did not hear everything the first time through myself. Why is that?

* * *
I think what is key in hindsight is that if you knew of The Onion, you would know to look out for all the humor. If you didn’t know The Onion, then what I have written above would apply.