Bill Cosby’s Leaks

Everyone knows Bill Cosby doesn’t want to speak or address the accusations made by 16 women.  And why would he?  Being silent has worked for him for decades.  Furthermore, we all know the more one speaks if he is guilty, the faster he will hang the noose around his neck. But even without Bill Cosby speaking very much, in the little he has spoken, he has shown very supportive behavioral evidence that he is quite capable of the accusations made.  Mind you, I have already seen two women speak out and believe them, and we can’t have both sides being honest, but I want to share what Bill Cosby is revealing and what it means.

Bill Cosby did an interview on November 6, 2014, with an Associated Press reporter (see above).  They released this video amidst allegations.   In this video, we see Cosby ask the reporter not to air his reply that he doesn’t want to speak about the accusations. That in and of itself says little.  However, it is HOW he broached the topic with the reporter that is very revealing and quite telling of the type of person the real Bill Cosby is.  Listen to what Bill Cosby says.

He says, “I know I didn’t say anything, but I’m asking your integrity that since I didn’t want to say anything, but I did answer you in terms of ‘I don’t want to say anything, of what value will it have?'”

The use of the word integrity here is stunning.

Bill Cosby, whose integrity is being questioned, is telling this reporter that essentially if he airs this video, he has no integrity.  That’s jaw dropping how he turns the tables.

The reporter never promised him anything and Cosby’s admits it, yet Cosby is twisting the facts and being extremely manipulative.  This action by Cosby says a ton about his personality and it is anything but “Huxtable” in quality.   Instead, he is skillfully trying to put his lack of credibility or integrity in question on this reporter!  This is jaw dropping and not the behavior of an ethical, honest or decent man.

If I witnessed this in person, my trust would be revoked for him immediately by these actions alone.

Cosby goes even further with this young reporter and says, “I think if you want to consider yourself to be serious that it will not appear anywhere.”

This is a threat in no simple terms.

Cosby is basically saying if you want to be a serious professional here, you better not do this.  He is implicating without saying it directly that he will make sure the guy is not taken as a serious reporter if he leaks it!  Why else would he say this?

The reporter did absolutely nothing wrong, and yet Cosby has leveled two serious attacks on him trying to implicate him as unethical and unprofessional if he doesn’t do what Cosby wants!  When the entire time it is Cosby who is being questioned for being unethical and unprofessional.  Cosby tries to the turn the tables with incredible ease!!  It’s flat out chilling. He is a man who is used to wielding extreme manipulation and control on people. I can assure you honest people with integrity would never speak like this to someone.  It is highly supportive that Cosby is everything he is being accused of and maybe more.

And that’s not all Cosby has revealed.

He told a reporter on Friday in Florida, “I know people are tired of me not saying anything, but a guy doesn’t have to answer to innuendos.”

This statement is hotter than a potato coming out of a brick oven!

If you are accused of being a serial rapist who drugged women, would you refer to this as “innuendos”?  I would bet my last dollar you would not.  You would flatly DENY the allegations, but Cosby has yet to deny anything. Ever.

You should take notice.

And instead of a flat out rejecting of the accusations, he softens them to the point of absurdity with the word “innuendos”.

Add to that he doesn’t even put himself in the equation.  He says “a guy”.  He does not talk in first person. It’s highly notable.

People who do harm to others in society often have a horrible time saying the things they’ve done, because its too close for them to utter the words. They are too hard to say if they are, in fact, guilty. Murderers will often say the person “died” or “disappeared” but cannot say murder or killed.  And here we have Cosby who can’t say “rape”, or even put himself in the same sentence.

So Cosby gives us really strong behavioral evidence that is supportive he is not honest.  We can clearly see that he is extremely manipulative and controlling, and lacks integrity to turn the tables so fast on an innocent reporter.  Now add that, you have 16 women coming forward who show no evidence that is contradictory to their stories, and tell me who you believe…

Think of all the innocent people you have seen in your life who were accused of a serious crime and who refused to speak.  How many can you think of?  I ask you, my readers, to try to think of people who refused to speak when accused of one or more serious crimes who turned up to be innocent.  Can you think of anyone?   I can’t think of one, but I am willing to try to find an example.

People will tell you who they are, if you just listen.

“Your actions speak so loudly, I can not hear what you are saying.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson


Barbara Bowman and Janice Dickinson

I watched both Barbara Bowman and Janice Dickinson (see here) speak out about their story of rape by Bill Cosby.

I believe them.

They are telling the truth without a doubt. Both women show palpable disgust when recollecting or talking about Bill Cosby. Their stories flow. They both express deep pain on their faces that anyone can see. And their stories are eerily similar. And there aren’t just two accusers. The list is up over a dozen now.

Many people wonder why they didn’t come forward long ago when this originally happened, and I don’t think people realize the multitude of factors that came into play for these women.

First, rape is a very hard topic to broach with a stranger–especially if you are young woman trying to find your place in this world.

Second, you have to realize that these women didn’t wake up knowing they had been drugged or raped.  They woke up in a blur, had a fuzzy head, and had to be unsure of what had transpired.

They had to wonder:  Did I fall asleep?  Did I drink to much?  Did I pass out from something?  Did I eat something funny?

Most people don’t automatically wake up and say, “Hey I was drugged and oh, yeah, wow: Raped.”  It’s hard to believe someone would actually violate another person–especially someone you looked up to.

These women woke up in a state of bewilderment and had to pick up and carry on with life, and in the middle of it try to figure out what happened.

That takes time to figure out and process that someone violated you–not in one way, but two.  The shock and denial can cause people to push it away. It’s a painful realization that they lost lost control somehow.  That they were violated.

Also, when people are sedated, they are not in any position to take a stand, stand their moral ground or fight anyone, but its hard to rationalize that–that they did something that they didn’t want to do, regardless.  How could that happen?

People in this situation will become overrun with feelings of incredible guilt and shame, feelings of responsibility, even when they had none, and can’t be held culpable in anyway.  They don’t realize the psychological effects of these drugs. They will literally battle themselves thinking, “Why didn’t I fight back?  What was wrong with me?  That was sick!”  They will viscerally want to hide.  They will feel repulsed.

They also will begin to feel that people won’t believe them because they didn’t fight back in their unaware drugged state.  They will fear that people will blame them, tell them they wanted it or they would have fought back. Then they will start to hate themselves for not fighting back, and feel more and more insecure because they didn’t, which causes them to bury everything and try to push it away, instead of deal with it head on.  They go into a tailspin of negativity, and this will erode their chances of ever speaking about it to anyone.

Now imagine processing all of this and trying to understand it, and you must figure it all out before the drugs (or DNA) leave your system.  Figuring something like this out could take weeks or even months to mentally sort through, and by then the evidence has cleared the body.  It’s gone forever.

Then, they don’t just have to say some strange guy did this to me, if they figure it out. No, they have to point to a beloved, trusted, highly regarded mega star, and say he did it!  They have to accuse America’s favorite and most trusted Dad.

Imagine for just a minute how hard that would be.

I don’t think we are giving these women near enough space considering what happened.  This would be hard for the most mature, self-assured middle age woman, let alone someone newly starting their career.

And Barbara Bowman found amazing courage to tell people what happened. She went to her agent and spoke out, and to an attorney, and both refused to take her seriously. I believe it.

Think about why this would happen.

If the agent or the attorney weren’t powerhouses themselves, going forward against a mega star was also risky for their careers. If they came forward to support Barbara publicly and the case was rejected to do lack of evidence (rape is very hard to prosecute without evidence), these professionals risked having their reputations put into the same category as Barbara. They could easily be labeled as not credible, troublemakers, or foolish themselves for questioning such a loved mega role model like Bill Cosby.  After all he was America’s most wanted Dad.

Speaking about Bill Cosby wasn’t just risky for these women. It was risky for others, too. It could have truly killed or disabled their careers and tarnished their reputations, too, and these people knew it. That’s why they likely didn’t take Barbara’s situation on and go forward.  Because the risk was high for them, too.  They too stepped away in the shadows.

I feel for these women. This was a very traumatic experience where they were forced to carry the burdens quietly themselves for years.  I wonder if they can ban together and sue Cosby in civil court.  He needs to face up to this and deal with it once and for all, and stop trying to sweep it under the carpet.

I hope more women get the courage to speak out. It will only empower them now.  As they gain numbers, the power will be given back to them and the one who caused all this pain will stand farther and farther alone and in the corner of shame he so deserves.

Bill Cosby: Rape Accusations

Have you read the news about the women accusing Bill Cosby of drugging and raping them? This isn’t the first time this has made the news and went silent again. Back in 2006, Andrea Constand went after Bill Cosby for rape in the courts, and there were 13 victims called to the stand (source). One of them was Barbara Bowman who has been talking about it more and more, and now today another woman, journalist Joan Tarshis, has come forward and said her story matches those of the other women.

When multiple people are coming forward with a similar story, and Bill Cosby refuses to say one word when asked in an interview, I am very suspicious.

Listen to Cosby being questioned this past weekend.  Here is  link.

Bill Cosby had power and influence with his status, and has done everything he can to keep this quiet instead of dealing with it head-on and directly. And so far it has worked. It has continually gone away, over and over again.  But is this the right thing to do?

I say no.  If he is honest and forthright, and being wrongly accused, he should be mad.  He should be upset, but clearly he isn’t.  Oh no, he’s much happier being quiet and that raises my eyebrows up and high.

Add to that–that this is not one accuser, or two accusers, oh no. It appears to be over a dozen, and that’s too many for a fluke or a coincidence for me.

I think it is time we stand together as a people and demand a response or stop supporting him. These are too many allegations to get swept under the carpet again!

I stand beside these women. There are too many of them for this to be a lie.


The McStay Murders

Many people wonder what I think of the recent developments in the case of the McStay family murders. We have video footage of Chase Merritt speaking to CNN as well as other footage of family members, etc.

When I watch Chase Merritt speak, from the interviews I’ve seen on CNN last night, I can say that I do not see anything that sets me off as “hot” regarding deception.  He actually says a couple of things that lean towards honesty in these videos. He says and does things that are more consistent with honesty than deception, though I have chosen to remain neutral on him.  I remain neutral when I don’t believe I have strong enough behavioral evidence to be conclusive from what I have seen.  With that, if people have interviews of Chase Merritt that they believe reveal hot spots, please post links to them below with time markers and I will look at them.

I want to clarify that I saw Chase in the interview on CNN in Buried Secrets: Who Murdered the McStay Family.  I missed the first 15 minutes of the show, but saw the rest of it. I tried to find links to the show in full this morning, but was unable to. I wanted to watch the first 15 minutes I missed.

There is a person in this case, however, that deeply troubles me in this investigation, and it is Michael McStay, the brother Joseph McStay, who was murdered along with his family.  He has pinged me in every single interview he has done to date.

Michael McStay concerns me on multiple levels.

Chase Merritt was the one who pointed out that the family seemed to be missing, and it was Michael who just wrote it off and ignored it.  Merritt kept asking the family to stop by, to take a look and to take it seriously, and it took Michael 9 days to get to his brother’s house. Michael said he just believed his brother and family were on vacation, and yet the dogs were left outside with no food or water?  How does that make sense?

I am troubled by how Michael behaves in the interview with Tim Miller from Equusearch when they first searched the house.  He shows no concern whatsoever when strangers seem to know something is very off. Michael McStay laughs and jokes as if all is well–very odd.  Michael says very boldly, “The detectives told me this is not a crime scene and I can do whatever I want to.”  His statement there is so full of arrogance and lack of concern for his brother that it is staggering. If you found food rotting on the counters and it appeared your family left quickly, wouldn’t you want to treat everything as a crime scene to preserve evidence?  Why didn’t Michael?

How could have been sure it wasn’t a crime scene?  It defies logic.

In the video inside the McStay house with Tim Miller, someone off film says to Michael, “They didn’t get abducted or forcibly removed from the house…” and Michael responds “No, well no,  …no, somebody could have said hey man, just like happened before Chase said ‘oh my shop got broken into, I can’t finish your jobs, I’ve got thousands of dollars to get out”…it could have been, ‘hey Joe, I’m coming over, I’m almost there, I’m almost there’, he got five calls…uh, ‘hey, I’m here, I’ll meet you at the bank or whatever’. My brother was going to give him money again, who knows, it could have been that….I…that’s….a possibility, too.  But I can tell you one thing, they got pulled away from the house by somebody that was comfortable to them.”

I find it odd that Michael immediately points the finger towards Chase so early on. If he was suspicious of Chase, why didn’t he wonder why his brother and his family were gone for 9 days? Why didn’t he respond to Chase’s earlier phone calls the day after Chase was suspicious something went wrong? Chase had to call Michael’s mom to get Michael to come out. These seem inconsistent to me. In that entire video, Micheal’s demeanor and behavior is off.

When the bodies of the McStay family were found in November 2013, we see Michael again acting odd. You can read my post here.  He is crying tears, but shows every indication his crying is fake.  And worse, he says at the end of his speech which is riddled with oddities and extreme discomfort, “I know everyone in America loves the McStays, and we’re going to find this individual…or individuals…I know the sheriffs, the FBI, ….everybody wants to bring this to justice, and if its the last thing I do, I just…..I just wanna know, you know… when its over (laugh).”  He then buries his face!! He comes back up to the microphone and says, “That’s all” as he gives an expression of contempt.


What is making him laugh?  It’s not nervous laughter in the slightest.  He finds something funny and he wants to hide it in nearly every interview we see of him. It doesn’t add up at all. Is he hiding a huge whopper?  It sure makes you think.  Add to this, he went into his brothers house multiple times because the police didn’t make it a crime scene, and he freely admits he took his brother’s computer, too.  Why was his brother’s computer of interest to him, if it wasn’t of interest to the police? And he asked that if anyone found any secure digital cards from his sister-in-laws camera lying around the house to give them directly to him.  I found that very odd.

In that post above when the McStay’s bodies were found, I also mention that I happened upon a statement by Michael McStay reported by People Magazine in 2010 where Michael was quoted as saying, “My fear is that I’m looking for two adult shallow graves and … my two nephews’ crosses.”

WHAT??  What the hell is going on?  He seems to have predicted how we’d find his relatives to a tee — three years before they were found. How does this happen?  This is no coincidence.

And last, after hearing that Chase Merritt has been arrest, Michael McStay’s behavior clearly jumps out at me again.  Look at this video below at the six minute time marker.

Watch as Michael walks to the microphone–he has to hide his face!! Why?

Because his emotions are flat out inappropriate. He is holding back laughter again. He starts out by saying, “I said I wasn’t going to cry (smiling the whole time) but um, they did a great job.”

Michael is TRYING TO ACT sad, but he cannot pull it off.  There are no scientific markers of sadness whatsoever.  Instead, he keeps trying to shake off his happiness and shows lots of signs of discomfort doing so.  I have no doubt that Michael is faking his emotions here, and why in the world would he have to fake his emotions unless he feels differently?

People are pointing the motive of jealousy with Merritt. The one I have to wonder about who might have been jealous is Michael.

While I am open to continue exploring this case through behavioral evidence and interviews, I cannot get Michael McStay out of my mind. He is haunting, to say the least.  He is hiding something and it doesn’t make me feel good on any level.

Remember Shanesha Taylor?

In July, I wrote about Shanesha Taylor. She was a mom who left her two young children in the car when she went for a job interview in Arizona on an 83 degree day. People found her children and called for help. Shanesha was arrested.

When Shanesha’s mugshot got into the press, her tears caused a strong reaction from the public. People ended up donating more than $115K in donations (source). They believed Shanesha deserved a second chance and the prosecutor in this case gave it to her.

The court took her apology and desire for a second chance and said that she must deposit $60K into a trust fund account for the children by a certain date.

I didn’t believe Shanesha was sincere at all and wrote about it in July. You can read my thoughts here.

As suspected, Shanesha didn’t put any money aside for her kids, and when asked for show proof that she still had the funds, she was unable to do so.

She is now facing child abuse charges for leaving her kids unattended in the car, and will be tried in December!

I am all about giving people a second chance, but this woman was way to flippant in the media to deserve it, and I suspect prosecutors watched closely as well and weren’t about to let her slip through the cracks!