thank you note for every language

Today I’d like to say a big thank you to Samuel Rizzio, and the other generous and kind people who stepped in to help move my old blog comment system that went defunct on October 1 to the new tool Disqus.

Many people were very kind to offer to donate their time so we wouldn’t loose the eight years of comments and I am grateful for every single one of you who offered to help and shared what knowledge you could to make this transition possible!

I am truly grateful for everyone’s help in getting this big task accomplished.

Samuel followed the whole process through, kept me informed, managed the team of helpers that volunteered and stuck with me until the very end to make sure we got it done!! He put lots of hours his own free time into this and for those who I don’t know about who put in your time, THANK YOU!!

Yesterday the transition was complete and we accomplished our goal!!!

Many thanks for everyone who helped out on this. I am very grateful!

With many heartfelt thanks!

Expression of the Day


‘Tis the season of fear!

Time Magazine Article

Image unavailable of Time Magazine October 15, 2012

When I travel, I absolutely LOVE to meet new people.  I get to sit next to someone who may be radically different than me that I might not otherwise encounter in life.  And I have a good chance to have a conversation with them and get to know them!  Of course not everyone is interested, and I absolutely respect that, but when I do find people who are interested to talk–I love learning about them.

On the last leg of my journey last night, the young gentlemen sitting next to me and I started up a conversation and had an enjoyable time getting to now each other. I told him about what I did and he shared with me what he did. He works at a company selling funeral supplies. It’s not something you expect to hear, so I was intrigued.

Who would want to sell caskets?

He said if you had asked him five years ago where he would be he wouldn’t have guessed he would be where he is–selling funeral caskets, but he actually likes it.  It’s a fast-paced business!!  When people need a casket, it can’t be on back order. Things have to move and quickly he told me.  There was some humor in that!

As I looked at his face, he gave me a strong feeling by his facial features that he was a republican because he resembled a well known republican.  I was dying to ask him, so I took a risk–to learn if I was correct or not.  I asked him if I could ask a personal question, and he said sure.

When I asked if he was a republican, he thought about it and then grinned and said yes, he was. He said he was open to both parties, but that he had a preference for republican policies. He was surprised at what I did.  It surprises me when I keep getting it right.  Facial profiling has merit, without question!

I explained to him that there are correlations between facial features and personality traits and that he shares features of other republicans I know. He was rather stunned and didn’t know what to think.  I don’t blame him. He can be a skeptical person by nature, and I like that!

After we chatted for a while, he said he wanted to read a book, but that he had something I might enjoy reading, and he handed me TIME magazine.  He kindly said, “I thought you’d enjoy reading this.  I thought it was a good article” as he handed it to me.

I was so touched by his kindness, and I was thrilled to read it.  It’s an interesting article and well written. I like that it talks about how our emotions influence our decisions as that is a key point I talk about frequently.  There was a lot of interesting points to the article.  They point out truth and lies by both parties and gives you responses from the President and Romney.

If you can pick up a copy of this, its well worth reading!

Thanks, Rich!! It was a real pleasure to meet you yesterday!


 Last night in Charlotte, NC boarding my plane home
For those who don’t follow me on Facebook, I’ve been on the road this week and just got back late last night.  I haven’t forgotten about the blog.  I’ve just got to get re-oriented, caught up and I’ll be back soon!