Hannah Overton on Dr. Phil

Hannah Overton, who was accused and convicted of salt-poisoning her foster son, and then released in 2015 spoke out on the Dr. Phil show. I wrote about Hannah back in 2008 saying I believed her and believed that she did not cause Andrew to eat all of that salt.

I think their parenting style left a lot to be desired, frankly, but that doesn’t mean you are guilty of murder.

It’s interesting watching Hannah on Dr. Phil yesterday. What stood out most to me were her children. They did not seem happy at all. Did you notice? It makes me question why. Was it being without their mom all of these years?

Quiet here: Update

Unsplash / Pixabay

Unsplash / Pixabay

It’s been quiet here on the blog the last week and I just wanted to let people know that I came down with pneumonia, and it’s knocked me for a loop.  I hope to be back to work and the blog soon!  -Renee

Touch Your Nose: Are You Lying?

Giuliamar / Pixabay



I heard an old myth repeated on TV last night and I want to put it to rest.

If someone tells you that someone touched their nose, therefore whatever they said at that moment is a lie–do not believe them.

Or if they say there is erectile tissue there that gets enlarged because of the arousal of a lie–realize your source of information is poor. Read this about the “erectile tissue” in your nose. It might surprise you!

People touch their nose for a variety of reasons and it in no way signals a liar. I can assure you of that.

Study yourself and your family for the next week. Watch yourself and others when you/they touch their nose.

Did you or they lie when it happens?

You will see quickly that this is a fallacy.





What Clues Reveal A Liar?

websiteMany people assume when they see my nickname of “Eyes For Lies” that I teach people about how the eyes reveal lies. I do not teach nor do I believe that our eyes reveal lies. As an expert in spotting deception and understanding human behavior identified in a world renowned scientific study, I rely on different clues than most people are familiar with. I believe that in order to be good at spotting deception you have to understand people first and foremost.

When I teach my class, the first morning, I ask participants to articulate what markers on the human face reveal that a person is truly feeling happiness rather than faking it? Or what are the markers that reveal someone is truly sad versus putting on an act?

Would you be surprised to hear that less than 5% of people—including deception detection professionals—can accurately define the markers on the face that identify genuine emotion? It surprises me because this is fundamental requirement to understanding people.

It is highly important to understand emotions, and be able to identify genuine and fake emotions in seconds, if you want to get to the truth and quickly. This essential information.

One myth many participants believe is that people can use emotions to manipulate other people, but this is only true if you don’t understand the science behind emotional expression. Once you understand the science, no one can manipulate you using emotions again.  You will see right through them.  Emotional understanding on the scientific level is that powerful.

People also display hidden emotions that most people don’t see, but you don’t know what you don’t see, right?  Getting keyed into this information is also important.

A person can try to conceal how they feel, but their face will leak it out in as short as 1/25th of a second at times. I see these and so does a small percentage of our population. But 85% of the population do not see these hidden emotions without training. These are a fascinating topic in and of themselves.

I introduce participants in my class to all in these elements before lunch on the first day of my three day course.

So, you see, the truth is written all over our face, it’s just few people know what to look for.

Once you understand the science of emotions, and can confidentially and quickly (within seconds) articulate what emotion a person is feeling as well as identify if its genuine or fake, you are ready to move into understanding human behavior on a deeper level.

Human behavior is very complex. Each move we make, every word we chose, each behavior we display reveals information.

When a liar is trying to balance the truth from the lie, they become cognitively overloaded, and that weakness causes liars to leak many subconscious clues that reveal the truth. These clues are the most reliable clues simply because they cannot be controlled or manipulated. A liar literally betrays himself, and that’s what I expose and teach in my three day class.

If you are interested in my training, my next course date is March 14-16, 2016, in Milwaukee at the Hilton Garden Inn by the airport. Click here for more information.

Want to be truly happy? Read this…

jill111 / Pixabay

Being good at reading and understanding people, one thing that is hard for me is that I see a lot of emotions–many emotions on people’s faces each and every day. These emotions tug at my sleeve endlessly.  And the one emotion I see truly see the least is happiness.

Does that surprise you?

It’s actually quite rare to find a person who is completely fulfilled and content with just being who they are. Most people are not happy with their daily lives, schedules and life’s choices. They feel stuck in so many ways.  Some people are in bad relationships, have bad jobs, or difficult family lives.  And they wear it on their faces.

Open up conversations with strangers and it doesn’t take long for people to let out why they are unhappy. We all seem to know what makes us unhappy.

It’s shocking for me how many times I have asked people who aren’t happy the most important question: What would make you happy?  And they don’t have an answer. They seem better versed with “unhappiness” instead of happiness.

Isn’t that interesting?

I can’t tell you how many times I have rambled off to people these questions and got no answers of any substance back:  What is your ultimate dream in life? Where would you be if you could be anywhere right now? What would you be doing?  What is your dream job?  What is your favorite hobby? What do you love to do and excel at?  Where do you want to be in 5 years or 10 years?  Few people have answers.

I scratch my head at that point and reflect back to them, “How can you find happiness if you don’t even know what will make you happy?”

At that point, I get the standard responses, if I could live on a beach or an island for the rest of my life, or win the lottery, I would be content. But they really wouldn’t be and can’t see it.  Any good thing in excess becomes boring, but few people realize this.

Finding and obtaining true happiness takes lots of thought and deep questioning within your soul.  You first have to get to know yourself. That’s number one.  Then you have to identify what you love, excel at, gain momentum from doing, and do it.  Essentially, you have to cultivate your passion until it fills your sails and gives you purpose! Wanting to wake up and do something every day brings incredible joy, fulfillment and contentment.

It takes considerable effort, time, and learning to accomplish, too.

Finding happiness is not an easy process, or one that happens in days, weeks or even months. It can take years. Sure, you’ll have happy moments in between, but they are more fleeting. When you find true, deep happiness, it comes from within and is more powerful and soul-quenchingly satisfying. The feeling comes around much, much more often as no emotion is constant.

You just have to be committed to get to know yourself, learn what ultimately makes you happy, and do what makes you happy as much as you possible can!  This often leads to mastery and a fulfiling sense of accomplishment.

You can have true happiness. The only one stopping you from it is YOU, yourself.  So look within, not out, for the true key to unlock your happiness, and feel “bliss” frequently. It’s the pot of gold to life.

Here is a great article:  The Hat Trick of Happiness