Tag Archive for: Chris Soules

The Bachelor Disses Britt

If you’ve watched The Bachelor on ABC this season, there was a really interesting clip of Britt calling out Chris, the Bachelor, on Monday about some of his actions and the actions of others. While no one can miss he is tongue tied, I believe you could predict he would walk away rudely as he did at the end of this clip (which Kimmel cut off).

He leaked a boat load of negative emotions multiple times (contempt, disgust, anger –multiple ways) towards Britt that it was overwhelming, and yet his words didn’t reveal the same. His emotional state is borderline hostile, and he didn’t have the nerve to stand up to what he believed, so he tried to say anything else, and it was a complete failure.

We can now take his emotional response and identify behavioral traits about Chris. He hates to be challenged or questioned. He struggled to keep his calm and listen to people who challenge him. Instead he let his emotions overcome him and he had to walk away. Rudely. He also wasn’t able to express how he truly felt. Instead he bottled it up, which leaves a high propensity for emotional outbursts later on. If Britt didn’t pick up on his emotional responses, she will be in for a world of surprise later.

All of these traits bode horrible for a relationship. It’s not surprising that Chris is still single, if you ask me. He is deeply insecure under his facade and projecting himself as someone he is not. That will eventually backfire on him.