Tag Archive for: Dr. Shannon Curry

The Depp-Heard Trial Thoughts April 27, 2022

Yesterday Depp’s attorney put Dr. Shannon Curry, a forensic psychologist, on the stand.  She testified that Heard has Borderline and Histrionic Personality Disorder.  This may make Amber prone to feeling intense emotions that are hard for her to control and may make her appear dramatic as a result. It’s an important diagnosis to consider. I am curious how her defense team will address this, and if there is an psychological evaluation of Depp that has been completed. Please know I am not watching the trial. I only am able to watch clips as I have time, so my opinions will be directly related to the clips I am watching.

In this video clip below, Heard describes an incident with Depp and her sister at the top of a flight of stairs in a deposition. It was sent to me by a viewer who questions if Heard’s emotional response and story here are authentic.  Her emotions are authentic here. You can see her supporting emotions of anger. We see her lips get thin and curl in. We see a microexpression of disgust.  We see stress in her forehead, albeit there may be some Botox there.

Heard was truly worried about her sister. And she admits she would have done anything to protect her sister. This is honest and open. She is not acting controlling as we saw Depp do on the stand in yesterday’s analysis. She was truly angry and concerned about her sister’s safety.  If Heard has Borderline Personality disorder, while she felt her sister’s life was on the line authentically, to a normal person viewing this incident in person, that mindset may be seen as a dramatic response. So there is truth here, but the perspectives of what happened may be inaccurate. Does that make sense? This may be hard for people to parse out and understand.

Last, I want to bring up this clip of Depp I found where he is asked if stuck Heard.  He does not leak any direct clues here that reveal the truth. He doesn’t give me anything that supports it’s the truth either. I will say I don’t feel comfortable with his response, but that is just a gut feeling. Not every statement leaks clues to deception.  So at this point I will remain neutral on this aspect until I get more information (testimony, evidence, etc).

When I analyzed yesterday’s clip, what I see is a man who has violent emotional outbursts that he is unable to control. I see a man who is unable to admit to his behavior, and a man who is willing to re-write the story to his benefit. These are traits of abusive men. Does that make him one? No.  Is it more likely than average? Yes. His behavior is telling that he is not able to control himself. That’s a huge red beacon, folks. We see the same with Heard, too, in clips.

So the pendulum here is swinging toward him lashing out due to his lack of control, but I do not have a complete picture to say what the truth is at this point with regards to the legal case. And that is a different matter, and I want to be clear on that. My analysis yesterday was for the video I analyzed. It does not speak on the entirety of the case. People are not black and white.  Someone may be honest in one clip and lie in another. Not all statements leak clues.

I suspect from what I have seen, we have two emotionally volatile and highly dysfunctional people who are unable to maintain self-control. Both act very inappropriate towards each other.  This case may be both wanting to be “right” and both are equally in the wrong. I will continue to watch the case and share what i see on a video-by-video basis as I have the time.

What do you think?