Tag Archive for: duchenne smile

Look at Grieving Shannon Price

TMZ is reporting that the video interview I linked to yesterday of Shannon Price talking about pulling the plug on Gary was recorded the day after Gary died. Isn’t that a shocker??

And today they have photos of Price with an agent that worked with Price and Coleman. TMZ reports these photos were taken about the same time as the video– the day after Gary’s death. Check it out. She is all smiles!! And if you look, the one on the right is absolutely genuine –its called a Duchenne smile. See the crows feet? Notice how big her grin is (you see more white teeth)? She couldn’t be more happy, if you asked me.

It’s flat out haunting.

And there is more video of Shannon talking about how she is struggling to pay for funeral costs. She’s really trying to act down here because she needs money and she complains Gary was never able to have life insurance because of his health problems. Poor Shannon–she must have looked into it.

This woman is scary. She goes on to say that she hopes Gary’s fans are compassionate enough to donate to cover for his funeral and she hopes you’ll pay her way, too, now that Gary is gone. He wasn’t bringing any money home lately, anyway, did you hear? All of the fun money was gone, so did that make Gary useless to her?

This story is hard to watch.

Duchenne Smiles

I absolutely love Dr. Matsumoto’s humor at the end of this video. I needed a laugh today and I got one! I hope you enjoy this…