Having watched several interviews of Elaine and Mark Redwine, and seeing the Dr. Phil show yesterday, there is one person who is inconsistent in the interviews, and its not Mark. It’s Elaine Redwine.
Her inconsistencies seriously raise my eyebrows and leave me with wanting to ask her more than a handful of questions.
I do not trust Elaine Redwine. She has made it very clear in her interviews she will talk out of both sides of her mouth and that disturbs me when we are looking for her missing son. She also says things that I cannot reconcile no matter how I slice it, so I’d be interested to get clarification from her.
Many people assume when I don’t trust someone that it means I believe they are guilty of a crime. That is an incorrect assumption. A person can be inconsistent and uninvolved, or inconsistent and knowledgeable of more facts than they are letting on, or inconsistent and involved. I am not psychic and do not claim to know what inconsistencies ultimately reveal.
I cannot speculate at why Elaine is acting the way she is, I just know I want more information from her. Why is she inconsistent? It may have everything or nothing to do with Dylan’s disappearance. I need more to say.