Tag Archive for: Penny Boudreau

Penny Boudreau on Investigation Discovery

I noticed a lot of hits coming to my blog tonight. At one point over 100 people were reading. I saw they were reading about Penny Boudreau. Perplexed, I looked at Google and didn’t see any news and then a reader on Facebook said they saw a preview for the story of Penny Boudreau on Investigation Discovery. There is no link, but they talk about Penny’s crime and its so eerie to see them reenact the crime. I watched Penny plead for her daughter when this happened in 2008, and it is hard to imagine this is now a crime being discussed on “Deadly Women”.

I don’t get Investigation Discovery, unfortunately, and they don’t have an embed link to the video, but you can watch the clip here.

More Details About The Karissa Boudreau Case

A reader just sent me this article. It’s hard to read. It’s unfathomable that a mother could do this to her child. It’s chilling, so please be advised. Here is another, even more graphic one.

For those who are new this blog, I called Penny Boudreau out the day I saw her plea for her daughter’s return on TV. Nothing about her plea sat right with me. You can read it here. To read all my thoughts on this case, click on the labels below.

Penny Boudreau Pleads Guilty

Breaking news this morning (thanks, Mike) that Penny Boudreau has plead guilty to second degree murder of her daughter, Karissa.

My thoughts go out to the Boudreau family.

From the Canadian National Post:

Court was told that Karissa and her mom had been fighting when Penny Boudreau followed her daughter out of the car with some twine and strangled her until she was dead. The girl’s last words were “Mom, don’t.” Penny Boudreau told police officers later that she “did what she had to do,” court was told.

I first wrote about the case last February. Penny Boudreau went on TV to plead for her daughter’s safe return, but the words she spoke didn’t sit right with me.

To read all my posts on Penny Boudreau, click on the label below.


A reader just pointed out that I said last June I thought Penny Boudreau would confess. I totally forgot that! In hindsight now, I’m actually surprised it took her this long but we don’t know exactly when she confessed to police, do we?

Penny Boudreau Wiretap Evidence

Penny Boudreau, arrested and charged with the murder of her daughter Karissa, appeared in court today. The Chronicle Herald in Canada is reporting the story. Boudreau asked for a trial by judge and jury.

What I found interesting in the article which I did not know before is that there is supposedly “wiretap evidence” in this case against Boudreau. I will be curious to see when that information is released what it reveals.

To read my opinion on Penny Boudreau before she was arrested or charged, click here.

Penny Boudreau Arrested

Thanks for all of my readers who have alerted me to the news that Penny Boudreau has been arrested in connection with her daughter’s murder. You can read the news here.

I wrote that I didn’t trust Penny Boudreau back in February of this year shortly after her daughter disappeared. You can read my original thoughts here.

I think Penny will likely confess to her involvement.