Tag Archive for: William Walsh

William Walsh Confesses; Pleads Guilty

Long Island teacher disappears after flat tire

WABC News, October 29, 2009

In October of 2008, a New York man, William (Bill) Walsh plead to the media for the safe return of his wife, Leah Walsh, who disappeared on her way to work. Her car was found on the side of the highway with a flat tire, but Leah was no where to be found. The media interviewed Bill shortly after his wife disappeared, and when I watched it, his interview was loaded with hot spots.

Read moreOn October 29, 2009, I wrote the following about this interview:

I can tell you that Bill’s plea put my antenna on high. Absolutely nothing about his plea is logical. Nothing about his plea makes sense.

He not only talks nonsense–that she can have his car and everything–which is illogical if she just disappeared after getting a flat tire, but he pitches his voice up so high in what sounds like a fake attempt to show distress that it almost gets me nauseated.

Furthermore, in the second snippet of Bill talking, when the reporter asks a question of him, notice how as he thinks, his voice pitch goes back down to normal. The thinking caused him to forget to pitch his voice up. It’s an incredible and notable point. When we are really wigged out, our voice pitch says consistent. It doesn’t change this quickly.

Also, do you see any tears? If Bill is so upset, why aren’t there tears?

I don’t trust a word out of Bill’s mouth, unfortunately, but the police are saying that Bill is cooperating.

I don’t trust a word out of Bill’s mouth, unfortunately, but the police are saying that Bill is cooperating.

On May 20, 2010, William (Bill) Walsh confessed (a second time, the first time he took it back– search my archives for details), plead guilty to murder, tampering with evidence and weapon’s charges. Thanks, CW, for sharing the news (otherwise I may have missed it)!

You can read more about the story here. Walsh will be sentenced on June 23, and faces 18 years to life.

This makes the 31st person (out of 32 total) I have accurately identified clues to deception in the news before the truth was known. Of course, there are many more than are waiting for the truth to be discovered. That puts my average at 96.9% accurate.

I wish Leah’s family peace and resolve and I hope they can move forward now and put this all behind them and focus on the beautiful memories they have of Leah.

William Walsh Confesses

It’s been an interesting 36 hours in the case of William Walsh.

News has just come out that William Walsh confessed.

[ABC News] William Walsh confessed yesterday afternoon to killing his wife, Leah Walsh, a 29-year-old special education teacher, and to dumping her body in a wooded area on the property of the North Hills Country Club, Det. Vincent Garcia told ABCNews.com

Apparently, Bill strangled Leah after an argument over whether or not he was having an affair early on Sunday (NewsDay.com). He then left her body in the house while he ran errands to get his laundry done and to eat at McDonalds. Reports are saying he did this to build an alibi.

A witness also came forward in the case to say that they say a man crouching beside the Ford Focus on the highway Monday morning, and that the man ran from the Ford to a yellow car parked behind it, and then speed away. Bill, of course, drove an bright yellow Mustang.

Apparently, Walsh pleaded not guilty to second degree murder [StarTribune.com] Just another interesting twist in this case.

William Walsh Arrested for Murder

Thanks to those of you who informed me of the news that William Walsh was arrested on suspicion of murder last night. I just wrote that I didn’t trust William Walsh yesterday.

Police identified the body of Leah Williams Wednesday evening and shortly thereafter arrested William.

William is a person I would call a negative person. He is one of the easiest people to read. I knew immediately that he was lying. It was instant. None of his behaviors left any doubt. They were all off and none made any sense whatsoever.

What a tragedy.

Police Find Body

[NYDailyNews.com 11:47 a.m.] A body was discovered near the Long Island Expressway Wednesday morning, several miles from where missing schoolteacher Leah Walsh’s car was found, police said.

Police are saying it is too early to tell if it is the body of Leah Walsh.

If you aren’t familiar with this story, see the post below.

William Walsh

A New York schoolteacher, Leah Walsh, 29, disappeared on Monday after supposedly getting a flat tire on her drive to work. The school where Leah worked contacted her father at noon after she failed to show up for school, and reported her missing to the police as well.

Her father, who then went looking for her, found her car on the side of the highway with a DOT sticker on it saying it was found at 6:30 a.m., disabled. Police say that is standard operating procedure for a car with a flat tire. The police assume the owners went to get assistance.

When police searched the area later with Bill, they found Leah’s purse, but no one has found Leah.

Bill made a plea for his wife’s return. You can watch it here.

Read more “I want my wife back. She can just have my car, she can have everything. I just want my wife back,” says Bill.

Later he says “Please just get the picture out. That’s all we want, okay? [Reporter: Do you know where your wife is?] I got no clue. I got a text from her in the morning, but that was it.”

I can tell you that Bill’s plea put my antenna on high. Absolutely nothing about his plea is logical. Nothing about his plea makes sense.

He not only talks nonsense–that she can have his car and everything–which is illogical if she just disappeared after getting a flat tire, but he pitches his voice up so high in what sounds like a fake attempt to show distress that it almost gets me nauseated.

Furthermore, in the second snippet of Bill talking, when the reporter asks a question of him, notice how as he thinks, his voice pitch goes back down to normal. The thinking caused him to forget to pitch his voice up. It’s an incredible and notable point. When we are really wigged out, our voice pitch says consistent. It doesn’t change this quickly.

Also, do you see any tears? If Bill is so upset, why aren’t there tears?

I don’t trust a word out of Bill’s mouth, unfortunately, but the police are saying that Bill is cooperating.

A friend of Leah’s from Los Angeles, however, is talking:

[The Criminal Report Daily] During an interview with the Daily News, Leah’s friend, Lucas Bean, said that he exchanged text messages with Leah on Sunday and that she allegedly told him that she had gotten into a fight with Bill.

“She was in the car with him texting to me.… She was telling me that things are not going to work out with her and her husband, and she had to tell me something very important, but she needed to wait till she got out of the car with him,” he said.

According to Lucas, Bill and Leah had not been married for long and had separated at least once.

Unfortunately, Bill is tell us the truth when he says that Leah can have his car and everything. He is saying that in hindsight–after the fact. It’s obvious from what Bill tells us, and what Lucas is telling us is that he and Leah did have a fight. Leah wanted a divorce, and one can speculate they were arguing over what she wanted from that divorce. You can speculate further that the fight went horribly wrong, and now that it is over, Bill says what he really feels — though it makes absolutely no sense if Bill is just worried she got a flat tire and was abducted.

It’s a very sad and tragic story unfolding. I only hope I am wrong that Leah returns home safe and sound.

Update 10:20
Reader Susan posted a link to an audio clip below in the comment section. In the audio, Bill says that his wife left at 6:00 a.m.”She texted me in the morning at like 6:25, and that’s the last I heard from her.”

He said her text said “Have a great day. Love you bunches. Mwah!”

If she sent such a sweet text message, why is he worried that she left him again? Why does he say she can have the car and everything? It’s flat out inconsistent. The word “like” stands out to me here, too. It’s an odd choice of words for a true statement. I also wonder if Leah was the type of person to text the gesture of a “kiss”.

Bill is sobbing pretty much non-stop in this audio, some of it I believe is genuine, but I think it is pain and fear for himself rather than for Leah. Why would he give up hope for her so soon? Why would he assume the worst without any evidence to suggest otherwise unless he knows her fate? It’s utterly baffling if he is being honest with us! It makes absolutely no sense.