Myths in Deception Detection
The following “clues” are NOT RELIABLE indicators of deception.
Honest people do these same behaviors, and if we cannot discern when someone does this when they are lying versus when they are telling the truth with any reliability, these “clues” have little value. I do not teach these (as clues) in my class. I teach these as distractions–because they take your eyes and ears away from what is really important.
When looking for a liar, do not focus on these:
- Covering one’s mouth, face or eyes with hand or fingers
- Touching one’s nose, chin, ear, hair or face
- Eye gaze direction (looking up or any direction)
- Eye contact (too much or too little)
- Details (too much or too little)
- Nervousness
- Blinking: excessive, slow or no blinking
- Shoulder block, body block or use of barriers
- Pursing of lips
- Licking of lips
- Biting lips
- Fidgeting
- Avoiding use of contractions
- Pointing feet away
- Saying “To tell you the truth…”, “To be honest…”, “Believe me…”, “Honestly,…” etc.
- Pointing with hands and fingers
- Leaning away
- Use of the words NEVER or ABSOLUTELY
- Crossed arms
- Letting tears stream down face
- Palms down or up